Industrias creativas Oficina de inversiones
Creative Industries

Why Montevideo?

  • Montevideo is the ideal setting for a diverse multitude of projects, whether audiovisual, musical, editorial, design or architectural.
  • A diverse offering of locations.

  • Highly specialized technical providers and state-of-the-art equipment.

  • Fast permitting.

  • Tax incentives.

Audiovisual Sector Incentives

The audiovisual industry is supported by Law No. 18,284 of 2008, whose main objective is the creation of the Film and Audiovisual Institute of Uruguay (ICAU) and the Film and Audiovisual Development Fund. Additionally, this law empowers the Executive Branch to issue exemptions from customs duties and taxes on activities in the sector.

Uruguay created its own sectoral brand, Uruguay Audiovisual, with the purpose of positioning the country as an attractive destination for high-quality productions and filming projects, as well as to promote national productions, in addition to the advantages and technical and creative capabilities of Uruguayan talent in the international arena.

As part of this program, Uruguay has implemented a series of incentives through the Uruguay Audiovisual Program (PUA) to promote productions and co-productions in the country, mainly through tax exemptions.

During 2020, in the midst of a global pandemic, Uruguay was the first country to reopen its filming sets, after coordinated work between the associations of audiovisual and advertising producers, the workers' union and the health authorities. This enabled international productions from Netflix and Amazon to choose Montevideo for their shoots.
