Why Montevideo?
- Montevideo hosts the country's main port.
- It provides a first-class logistics corridor, connected to the main routes and productive enclaves of Uruguay.
- It offers an integrated incentive scheme: free port and airport, customs warehouses and free trade zones.
- Ideal location for regional distribution centers focused on LatAm.
Industry Incentives
Free Ports and Airports:
By operating in a free port, companies can benefit from:
- Free movement of goods without the need for authorizations or formal procedures
- Exemption from all taxes, duties and surcharges applicable to imports
- Warehoused merchandise is not included in the taxable base of Net Worth Tax or Income Tax
- The movement of goods and the provision of services carried out in port customs facilities are exempt from VAT.
- Goods do not lose their original status, whether they are re-exported in the same conditions as they were imported, or they have been subject to customization operations that do not alter the nature of the product or its country of origin.
Additionally, Uruguay also has a system of free airports. Carrasco International Airport is one of the seven free airports in the world and the only one in South America. As in the Free Port scheme, merchandise at the airports is allowed free circulation and is exempt from customs duties, tariffs and taxes. Together, the free port and airport, along with the free zones, offer an ideal structure for an interconnected multimodal system, ideally suited for regional distribution centers.
Temporary Admission:
This regime is based on Law 18,184 and its regulatory decree 505/09. It provides for the possibility of introducing merchandise of foreign origin, tax free, to be later exported, within a term of 18 months, extendable for another 18 months.
This merchandise can be re-exported in their original state or after undergoing a transformation, elaboration, repair or value addition as established.
Temporary Admission also offers the Stock Replacement and Drawback mechanisms. Stock Replacement consists of the replacement of goods imported under the general regime, by importing similar goods, free of taxes and duties, when they have been used as material for the transformation, in the country, of exported products.
The Drawback Regime enables requesting a refund of taxes and duties paid for importation under the general regime of all those goods that by definition can be imported for temporary admission and that have been used in the country in the elaboration of products destined for export.